Education, medical care, military service, etc
What are the obligations of becoming a citizen of Taiwan?
After becoming a national of Taiwan, all nationals except adult males are required to serve in the military service. They are required to participate in the national health insurance after six months of residence. The monthly health insurance premium is based on their working income. If they do not have a job, the current out-of-pocket premium is NT$749 per month.
In addition, persons working in Taiwan are required to participate in the Labour insurance, which is applied for by the employer to the bureau of Labour insurance. Unemployed persons aged between 25 and 65 are automatically included in the national annuity insurance. The current premium is NT$932 per month.
When reaching 65 years old, can get annuities every month according to regulation or one-time draw, in order to safeguard oneself or its family basic economy lives