What is the difference between an EU permanent visa and an EU passport?
There are many types of visas for immigrants in European countries. There are visas that require an extension of residence permit, visas for "permanent residence", and "permanent residents" visas in the usual sense. However, no matter what your residence visa is, it means that you are still a foreigner outside the EU member states, and some so-called "permanent residence" have some restrictions. Just holding a visa does not allow you to enjoy the great convenience and benefits brought by holding an EU passport. In addition, with a permanent residence visa, even if you meet the residence requirements of your country of residence, there will still be a significant language barrier when you apply for citizenship. To apply for a language test for European nationality, you must usually pass a high level of language test. This language test is not like multiple choice questions that require a “√” when applying for citizenship in the United States and Canada. Whether you can apply for nationality and whether you can apply for nationality are completely two concepts.